Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ups and Downs

Monday was probably my least favorite day of school yet. As I went through my normal repetition routine of repeat, repeat, repeat, act, act, act, draw, draw, draw, I couldn't help but look at my students and just curse them in my head. All day I was so frustrated and angry with the fact that I was stuck teaching first grade. I would look at them and in my head think, "Who the heck thought me teaching first grade was a good idea? Why the heck am I stuck with such little ones? I don't care that they're cute, I want to talk to them, read with them, do reading strategies, and "fun" stuff. I think people were wrong when they decided to put me in first grade, I can't take their smallness and I don't want to teach them what the letter A is"

Today I also went through my normal repetition routine of repeat, repeat, repeat, act, act, act, draw, draw, draw. However, today I just couldn't help but marvel at that fact that Chucri wears a fanny pack all day long where he stores his pencil and crayons. And Adriana, on only her second day of journaling, started writing "words." My kids are supposed to copy a journal prompt (ie: I like ______ or today's was: My Family) and then they about that topic. I was told not to have them write words with their pictures until much later in the year, but I figured, if that's what I want why not give them the option now. Adriana labeled her family: Mader, Fader, Boder. Pretty awesome if you ask me!

Same "day," same routines, same frustrations/challenges, different perspectives.

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. "
~ Kahlil Gibran


  1. I think it is always easy to get caught up in all that is going wrong. Instead if you focus on the good, then more good comes. When you count your blessings, God just continues to bestow more wonderful blessings upon you. I think it is great that you are expecting "more" of your students.

  2. Thanks Aunt Judy! I'm trying that's for sure and the day definitely feels worlds better when I do count those blessings than dwell on the negatives of the day. thanks for the continued support, messages, and prayers. They are much appreciated. :-)

  3. It sounds like your kids are coming along fine! There is a reason you were asked to teach first grade so keep focusing on those positives!

  4. You got it Shard! Most of mine couldn't label their families today either...I am loving reading your blog and I know you are doing fantastic! I miss you and I'm thinking of you!

  5. I absolutely understand the frustration of having to repeat things over and over and... over and over again. However you will hit that point where suddenly one, two, three, and even more students are getting it and they're actually learning and progressing. It's those moments and days that make saying that C makes the c, c, c sound 20 times a day worth it. :) Hang in there, it's really tough and somedays you're just darn tired of sounding out and stretching out words but they truly are cute and well very entertaining.
