I had the extreme pleasure of delivering some wonderful classroom and play goodies to my children and to the children a few weeks ago. A close family friend so generously sent down a large box full of jump ropes, etch-a-sketches, toy cars, books, stuffed animals, paper, pencils, and more.

I'm in love with her and her adorableness.

A rare smile from world's most serious baby Walter.

New fave picture of this awesome 2nd grade duo: Maria Jose and Jose Alberto.

So great to see him all smiles :-)
One Sunday afternoon Deirdre and I took some of the toys over to the orphanage. They were a huge hit. The boys here are CRAZY for hot wheels cars, so the boys loved the new cars. I had so much fun teaching little Gillian how to use the etch-a-sketch. The jump ropes were also a huge hit and so easy to share, which is perfect for an orphanage starved for toys and games. So I spent my afternoon twirling ropes, singing rope rhymes, and challenging the kids to races with the jump ropes. They were all smiles, as was I.
I also took the box of goodies to school as there were some fine classroom treats in the box. My kids were so giddy with excitement to open up and discover their new materials. They were so adorable when we opened up the dry erase markers and paper, they were like OOOOOH!!! And the Miss, the Miss too! La Miss tambien recibio un regalo. Miss got a gift too! Miss needed these new markers, we only have one left. hahaahah.
They were overjoyed to receive new pencils, stickers, and candy canes. The jump ropes, cookie monster, Elmo, books, and puzzles are also big hits. They now bombard me during recess with Miss jump rope please! Miss book please! So now my kids spend their recess playing, reading books to Elmo and Cookie Monster. It's pretty adorable :-)
A HUGE thank you to Diana for the incredibly generous and lovely gifts! First grade loves them :-)
How fun! Looks like these treasures were well received.