There's a popular quote, "It's not about the destination, its about the journey." I think that statement almost always rings true for me when traveling as I often face the biggest hurdles before I even arrive at my intended locations. The start of the Camino was no different, in fact two days late different. Being on day 2 of walking, I am not about to imply that the airport fiasco was and will be th ingest hurdle, but it certainly but new meaning and simple joy into that. As I walked today and felt my 3 blisters I thought, but I'm here and at one point that never seemed possible.
The first three days have been days of such beauty! Arriving in Ponferrada brought out such intense joy to be able to wander and enjoy such a city! I'm so glad we began in Ponferrada because we arrived on time and there were so many treasures to uncover in that town that we could finally feel like everything was clicking on our trip. There were lots of bikers and a beautiful bike mural outside our hotel balcony. There was a medieval castle to explore. There were tapas to be had. And the best part...pilgrims mass. We wanted to see the Basilica de la Virgen de la Encina. When we went to visit I read that there would be mass at 8. When we returned the church had a handful of spainards present and us. It was my dads first time at a mass in another language, which was a great experience! The mass was relatively quick, no homily, but at the end the priest called all pilgrims forward. He then blessed us, sprinkled holy water on us, and gave us a prayer card to, as he said remember and pray for their community as they would remember and pray for us. How beautiful. Just the start we needed and wanted for our pilgrimage. To receive the Lord's presence at mass, to have our first encounter with pilgrim hospitality, and to go forth connected and prayed for, was more than I could hope for.
I definitely channeled that strong presence, motivation, and community feel as we entered walk day 1. As we left Ponferrada, we moved at a moderate, excited pace through various small towns and stopped at every small church we could along the way for 8 km. The second 8 wound grouch beautiful vineyards and countryside. What peace I felt to be moving among the vineyards, watching the stretch out with the mountains in sight. The last 8 km were rough. It was very hot, there were some uphills and some more boring segments along a highway. So we arrived to Villafranca Del Bierzo, hot, wiped and ready to relax.
Day 2 then begins feeling sore and with 3 blisters on my feet. My pace is no longer as excited or quick. As I meet more pilgrims, I am learning to embrace the journey more and more. The first day felt like such excitement to find our first albergue and experience everything. The second day became more realistic. I go at the pace I need to, how far I need to, no worries. That's fine by me...hope for dad too :). We only walked about 18 km today to arrive early, relax more and rest up before climbing mostly uphill tomorrow. As for now, I'm just remembering how much I love journeys.
Also, I don't know how to add photos via iPad, if anybody does let me know!
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